PopMM - 08/05/24 00:01

[00:01] ExLordDeath> i feel like there are no teams
[00:01] ExLordDeath> ExLordDeath + Garbageman vs. [AvA]Pharaoh + [OP]fer
[00:01] ExLordDeath> ?
[00:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> who are you exlord?
[00:02] ExLordDeath> relog
[00:02] ExLordDeath out
[00:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah maybe we could 3v3 to balance it out. if he's a fw in 2 months he might be a shaman
[00:03] Luxray in
[00:03] ExLordDeath in
[00:04] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:04] ExLordDeath> i cant get pings for any of you xd
[00:05] zero8667 in
[00:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> damn mibble left
[00:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> who are u exlord?
[00:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> exotico?
[00:05] ExLordDeath> who are u exlord? you said my name right there
[00:06] Garbageman out
[00:08] ExLordDeath> +1
[00:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> but this account was created 2 months ago. What was your older account?
[00:08] ExLordDeath> i dont have an older acc
[00:08] razr in
[00:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> ofc you do
[00:09] ExLordDeath> lol ok
[00:09] ExLordDeath> thnx for telling me
[00:09] [OP]fer> lol
[00:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> you don't get to fw rank is 2 months of playing
[00:09] Garbageman in
[00:09] [OP]fer> he played on a different mm stop being annoying
[00:09] Garbageman> shit crashed
[00:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> different mm?
[00:09] ExLordDeath> yes
[00:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> what different mm
[00:10] ExLordDeath> can you 2 either relog
[00:10] ExLordDeath> or one of you host
[00:10] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[00:10] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[00:10] ExLordDeath> venom
[00:10] ExLordDeath> i need you to have ping
[00:10] [OP]fer> i have
[00:10] ExLordDeath> not for me
[00:10] [OP]fer out
[00:11] [OP]fer in
[00:11] ExLordDeath> okay it has ping now ty
[00:12] ExLordDeath> ExLordDeath + [AvA]Pharaoh vs. Garbageman + [OP]fer
[00:18] Icefire out
[00:32] _adray_tsi in
[00:46] cccp in
[00:54] [OP]fer> man these shit boring sess games
[00:54] [OP]fer> with retarded allies
[00:54] [OP]fer> feels like a game on leafs
[00:54] [OP]fer out
[00:55] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg wp
[00:55] ExLordDeath> gg
[00:55] Garbageman> seems your retarted aswell whos base did you get in?
[00:55] [AvA]Pharaoh> ur good venom
[00:55] ExLordDeath> lol venom mad
[00:56] [AvA]Pharaoh> well done exlord
[00:56] [AvA]Pharaoh> leaf taught you well
[00:56] Garbageman> im dassapointed
[00:56] [D]Joseph> he was just frustrated
[00:57] Garbageman> spammed eq on front strip
[00:57] Garbageman> didnt do nothing amazing
[00:57] ExLordDeath> its a hard map
[00:57] Garbageman> im hella dissapointed lol
[00:57] [D]Joseph> well dont worry, pharaoh is a preacher
[00:57] ExLordDeath> it doesnt fit venoms strength
[00:57] [AvA]Pharaoh> finally a good noobie game
[00:57] [D]Joseph> you are improving garbage
[00:58] [AvA]Pharaoh> u were watching joseph?
[00:58] [D]Joseph> no
[00:58] [D]Joseph> i played with him as ally last game
[00:58] [D]Joseph> we beat manu and carycyn
[00:58] [D]Joseph> two old souls
[00:58] Garbageman> cccp complain about my hosting
[00:59] Garbageman> someone else host
[00:59] [D]Joseph> he likes bikes
[00:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> cccp don't complain about his host
[00:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> garbage host
[00:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> i mean garbageman host
[00:59] [D]Joseph> you dont have to call him a garbage host man
[00:59] [D]Joseph> he got out of spot already
[00:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> that's a toruk makto joke
[00:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[01:00] [D]Joseph> :kekw:
[01:00] Garbageman> lol
[01:00] [D]Joseph> havent seen ian in a bit
[01:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> joseph or pharaoh you guys wann aplay on kleafs?
[01:00] [D]Joseph> nty Rb
[01:00] [D]Joseph> send my regards tho
[01:13] ExLordDeath out
[01:19] razr out
[01:19] zero8667 out
[01:21] [Rw]Carycyn out
[01:34] [AvA]Mibbel in
[01:37] FreeInca in
[01:38] FreeInca out
[01:38] [AvA]Mibbel out
[01:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[01:59] [D]Joseph> gg wp
[02:00] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[02:01] [Rw]Carycyn in
[02:04] [D]Joseph> ok gn guys
[02:04] [D]Joseph> tv time
[02:04] [Rw]Carycyn> no
[02:04] [Rw]Carycyn> dont go
[02:04] [D]Joseph> yes :mad:
[02:04] [D]Joseph> :poof:
[02:04] [D]Joseph out
[02:14] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[02:38] [Rw]Carycyn out
[03:03] snoopy1313 in
[03:17] BrianK in
[03:18] mairaevelynmangino in
[03:18] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[03:18] mairaevelynmangino> ready for game
[03:19] mairaevelynmangino> gaming populous
[03:19] mairaevelynmangino> 123
[03:19] mairaevelynmangino> 1...2..3...
[03:22] mairaevelynmangino out
[03:22] mairaevelynmangino in
[03:22] mairaevelynmangino> hi+
[03:34] washedUp_tsi in
[03:36] washedUp_tsi out
[04:12] cccp out
[04:18] washedUp_tsi in
[04:20] washedUp_tsi out
[04:35] Garbageman out
[04:53] mairaevelynmangino out
[04:53] BrianK out
[04:53] Garbageman in
[05:12] Luxray out
[05:14] Garbageman out
[05:25] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[05:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw too good
[05:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> about to be shamen
[05:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> then hw will reclaim his rightful spot as #1 in pop
[05:46] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[06:01] BlackShadow334 in
[06:10] Garbageman in
[06:16] Garbageman out
[06:26] _adray_tsi out
[07:06] BrianK in
[07:07] mairaevelynmangino in
[07:08] mairaevelynmangino> ready
[07:08] mairaevelynmangino> gogogo
[07:08] mairaevelynmangino> ready for you
[07:09] mairaevelynmangino> ready
[07:09] mairaevelynmangino> go game going go
[07:20] Incy in
[07:21] Incy out
[08:00] Plan3tFall in
[08:12] washedUp_tsi out
[08:13] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[08:13] mairaevelynmangino> ready for
[08:13] mairaevelynmangino> game
[08:23] mairaevelynmangino> listo.
[08:23] mairaevelynmangino> maxcowell}
[08:23] mairaevelynmangino> powerfull111615
[08:24] mairaevelynmangino> 111615
[08:28] jammy in
[08:38] mairaevelynmangino> 34445223232
[08:38] mairaevelynmangino> ready
[08:38] mairaevelynmangino> gogpgo
[08:40] mairaevelynmangino out
[08:41] BrianK out
[09:24] [SW]Shooterxk in
[09:54] [SW]Shooterxk out
[10:32] Warios_2 in
[10:32] Warios_2 out
[10:51] [AvA]noobITA in
[10:57] pozkox in
[11:57] Cyborg> join jammy
[11:59] [AvA]noobITA> hi cyborg
[11:59] cyborg> Hi mic
[12:02] Cyborg> do you play final fantasy 7 rebirth on ps5 mic?
[12:02] [AvA]noobITA> no
[12:02] Cyborg out
[12:02] Cyborg in
[12:03] Cyborg> still a war :(
[12:03] Cyborg> mic
[12:04] Cyborg> do you keep pressuring with shaman in frontline of your base blasting and using all spells and keep shaman alive at all times ?
[12:07] pozkox out
[12:15] [AvA]noobITA> yeah
[12:15] [AvA]noobITA> i like war rank
[12:16] [AvA]noobITA> https://www.popre.net/game.php?u=25645&g=495991
[12:17] [AvA]noobITA> why im getting no points
[12:17] [AvA]noobITA> last win
[12:17] [AvA]noobITA> matt +1 he is fw
[12:17] [AvA]noobITA> rolfmao
[12:17] [AvA]noobITA> 1v1 ossur
[12:18] [AvA]noobITA> ure good
[12:18] [AvA]noobITA out